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Bob Tyrrell

Bob Tyrrell's father was an artist, who inspired Bob to become an artist himself. He began drawing at an early age and when he reached his teens, Bob gave up art and pursued music. For the next fifteen years he played in various metal bands and worked at a factory to pay the bills. When he turned 30, he got his first tattoo. Over the next few years, he was drawn back to drawing and making art and began taking some art classes. He was also getting more tattoo work done on his arms, receiving full sleeves. Tattooing was the direction he wanted to go. When he was ready, he took his drawings to a Detroit-area tattoo shop called Eternal Tattoos.
After six years at Eternal Tattoo, he decided to open his own shop. He opened Night Gallery in Detroit -- but you have to call him and make an appointment before you can meet him at this private studio.